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Course Catalog > Law and Criminal Justice > Oil & Gas Law

Oil & Gas Law   

  • Oil & Gas Law I
  • Fee: $1,500.00
    Course Length: 90 days
    Location: Online
    Instructor: William Keffer
    Support Contact: William Keffer

    A basic but comprehensive study of oil-and-gas law, including the relationship between the mineral and surface estates, landowner rights, provisions in an oil-and-gas lease, and titles and conveyances of the various kinds of oil-and-gas interests.

    Full refund minus 5% for processing fees if requested within two weeks of course registration.


  • Oil & Gas Law II
  • Fee: $1,500.00
    Course Length: 90 days
    Location: Online
    Instructor: William Keffer
    Support Contact: William Keffer

    An advanced study of oil-and-gas law, including a more in-depth analysis of specific topics that were covered in Oil & Gas Law I, as well as lease assignments, farmouts, joint-operating agreements, horizontal drilling, and more recent case law dealing with current issues.

    Full refund minus 5% for processing fees if requested within two weeks of course registration.


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