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Course Catalog > Grape and Wine > Winemaking Certificate Program

Winery Design, Utilities and Operations   

This course will provide a survey of winery designs, utilities, and operations. Topics in winery design will include sustainable building plans and operations, gravity flow facilities, use of underground structures such as caves, as well as the layout and logistics of a wine processing plant. Utilities will be investigated based on the location of the facility, whether urban or rural. Utilities will include electrical, water/ waste water, refrigeration, and solid waste systems. Equipment selection will be explored based on the initial size of the production facility and the planned growth of the facility. Training will be provided for safety aspects of winey operation including forklift operation and safety, working in confined spaces, use of compressed gases, use of a respirator, and tagout/ lockout procedures. Location and layout of the winery’s laboratory and tasting room will also be considered.


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