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Course Catalog > Grape and Wine > Wine Business Certificate Program

Wine Club Management   

This course is designed to develop a deeper understanding of the building blocks of modern wine clubs, what works and where it works. We will be covering the best practices of operating a wine club and identifying how to improve business practices to increase the revenue potential for your current wine club or how to build net new wine clubs for success. This class is hyper-focused on revenue development and process improvement of wine club builds and wine club pre-processing.

  • Wine Club Management
  • Fee: $500.00
    Dates: 10/7/2024 - 11/22/2024
    Location: On-line Asynchonous
    Instructor: Ben Kraemer
    Support Contact: Dr. Natalia Velikova
    CEUs: 2
    Contact Hours: 20
     Show Description

    Refund Policy: Full refunds (minus $50 service fee) available before commencement of class. 50% refund available within one week after commencement of class.


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