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Course Catalog > Grape and Wine > Texas Tech Viticulture Certificate Program Cohort 2023

Texas Tech Viticulture Certificate Program 2023   

The Viticulture Program consists of five courses, held over a two-year period.  Successful completion of all six courses is recognized with the Professional Certificate in Viticulture.  The program operates on a cohort basis to enhance the learning experience and facilitate networking opportunities for participants.

Individual Course Information 

Grapevine Biology: Introduction to the taxonomic classification of grape species and the structure function of grapevines. Botanical and viticulture terminology used to describe the anatomy of a grapevine will be introduced. The major physiological processes of grapevines will be introduced: photosynthesis, respiration, transpiration, and translocation. Other physiological processes will be introduced including acclimation and de-acclimation, cold hardiness, water relations, and hormones. The influences of environmental factors on physiological processes will be examined.

Site Assessment and Vineyard Development: The major considerations for assessment of a potential vineyard site will be addressed including macroclimate, mesoclimate, soil characteristic, topography, irrigation water availability and quality, disease and pest pressure, size of property, location and economics. The fundamentals of vineyard development - design and construction - will be introduced.  Vineyard design factors addressed including matching varieties and rootstocks to the site, trellis system, vine and row spacing, row orientation and length, block layout, and irrigation system design.  Practices involve with construction of a vineyard are introduced including trellis construction, planting vines, and vine training.

Vine Nutrition and Water Management: Introduction to the concepts and practices of mineral nutrient management of grapevines.  The nutrient requirements of grapevines will be reviewed and soil nutrient content and availability will be addressed.  Methods for monitoring vine nutrition will be introduced including soil testing and tissue analysis.  Fertilizers and fertilization practices will be introduced.  Introduction to the water requirements of grapevines and management of water availability.  Irrigation practices will be reviewed including irrigation scheduling using soil moisture monitoring and evapotranspiration, and the use of deficit irrigation strategies.

Canopy Management and Crop Load Management: Review of the characteristics of a desirable grapevine canopy and effects of excessive or deficient canopy on vine health and fruit quality and yield.  The concept of a balanced grapevine will be introduced and consequences of imbalanced addressed. Assessment of canopy vigor will be discussed and methods of canopy management reviewed including shoot thinning, shoot positioning, leaf pulling, and hedging.  Methods for estimating crop load will be reviewed and thinning techniques for adjusting yield will be discussed.

Vineyard Pest Management: Introduction to the management of diseases and insects with emphasis on common problems in Texas.  The major grape diseases in Texas will be reviewed including pathogen lifecycles, damage caused, vine symptoms, associated risk factors, and control options. Disease management practices will be introduced including sanitation, cultural practices and pesticide use.  Introduction to the management of insects, mites, and other arthropod pests of grapes.  The concept of integrated pest management (IMP) will be introduced and IPM methods and tools will be reviewed.  The major grape pests in Texas will be reviewed including lifecycles, damage caused, vine symptoms, associated risk factors, and control options. Weed control principles and practices will be introduced.

Vineyard Practices: A hands-on experiential learning class that provides instructor-led activities in standard vineyard practices.  A series of four one-day sessions comprise the Vineyard Practices Course;  sessions are held during key times of the season to encompass all major activities in the vineyard. Session learning activities include: pruning, trellis maintenance and repair, plant material assessment and handling, vine planting, canopy management, vine nutrition, irrigation scheduling, disease and pest management, crop estimation, thinning, fruit maturity analysis, and harvest practices and logistics.  Class activities are conducted in the TTU Teaching Vineyard at the Hill Country University Center in Fredericksburg, Texas. Students must attend all of the season sessions.

  • Texas Tech Viticulture Certificate Program 2023
  • Registration Fee: $400.00
    Dates: 9/15/2023 - 7/15/2025
    Location: Online and TTU-Fredericksburg
    Instructor: Kirk Williams
    CEUs: 17
    Contact Hours: 170

    The Viticulture Program consists of five courses, held over a two-year period.  Successful completion of all six courses is recognized with the Professional Certificate in Viticulture.  The program operates on a cohort basis to enhance the learning experience and facilitate networking opportunities for participants.

    Individual Course Information 

    Grapevine Biology: Introduction to the taxonomic classification of grape species and the structure function of grapevines. Botanical and viticulture terminology used to describe the anatomy of a grapevine will be introduced. The major physiological processes of grapevines will be introduced: photosynthesis, respiration, transpiration, and translocation. Other physiological processes will be introduced including acclimation and de-acclimation, cold hardiness, water relations, and hormones. The influences of environmental factors on physiological processes will be examined.

    Site Assessment and Vineyard Development: The major considerations for assessment of a potential vineyard site will be addressed including macroclimate, mesoclimate, soil characteristic, topography, irrigation water availability and quality, disease and pest pressure, size of property, location and economics. The fundamentals of vineyard development - design and construction - will be introduced.  Vineyard design factors addressed including matching varieties and rootstocks to the site, trellis system, vine and row spacing, row orientation and length, block layout, and irrigation system design.  Practices involve with construction of a vineyard are introduced including trellis construction, planting vines, and vine training.

    Vine Nutrition and Water Management: Introduction to the concepts and practices of mineral nutrient management of grapevines.  The nutrient requirements of grapevines will be reviewed and soil nutrient content and availability will be addressed.  Methods for monitoring vine nutrition will be introduced including soil testing and tissue analysis.  Fertilizers and fertilization practices will be introduced.  Introduction to the water requirements of grapevines and management of water availability.  Irrigation practices will be reviewed including irrigation scheduling using soil moisture monitoring and evapotranspiration, and the use of deficit irrigation strategies.

    Canopy Management and Crop Load Management: Review of the characteristics of a desirable grapevine canopy and effects of excessive or deficient canopy on vine health and fruit quality and yield.  The concept of a balanced grapevine will be introduced and consequences of imbalanced addressed. Assessment of canopy vigor will be discussed and methods of canopy management reviewed including shoot thinning, shoot positioning, leaf pulling, and hedging.  Methods for estimating crop load will be reviewed and thinning techniques for adjusting yield will be discussed.

    Vineyard Pest Management: Introduction to the management of diseases and insects with emphasis on common problems in Texas.  The major grape diseases in Texas will be reviewed including pathogen lifecycles, damage caused, vine symptoms, associated risk factors, and control options. Disease management practices will be introduced including sanitation, cultural practices and pesticide use.  Introduction to the management of insects, mites, and other arthropod pests of grapes.  The concept of integrated pest management (IMP) will be introduced and IPM methods and tools will be reviewed.  The major grape pests in Texas will be reviewed including lifecycles, damage caused, vine symptoms, associated risk factors, and control options. Weed control principles and practices will be introduced.

    Vineyard Practices: A hands-on experiential learning class that provides instructor-led activities in standard vineyard practices.  A series of four one-day sessions comprise the Vineyard Practices Course;  sessions are held during key times of the season to encompass all major activities in the vineyard. Session learning activities include: pruning, trellis maintenance and repair, plant material assessment and handling, vine planting, canopy management, vine nutrition, irrigation scheduling, disease and pest management, crop estimation, thinning, fruit maturity analysis, and harvest practices and logistics.  Class activities are conducted in the TTU Teaching Vineyard at the Hill Country University Center in Fredericksburg, Texas. Students must attend all of the season sessions.

    Refund Policy: Non-refundable registration fee.


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